
***  On May 4 and 5, 2017, Valentin Maier attended the Conference The Social History of the Romanian Communism. Sources, methodologies, approaches, perspectives (Istoria socială a comunismului românesc. Surse, metodologii, abordări, perspective) that took place in Cluj-Napoca, where he presented: A Tricky Planning: The Training of Artists Through Higher Education during the Communist Period (O planificare cu probleme: formarea artiștilor prin intermediul învățământului superior în perioada comunistă).

*** The International Conference History of Higher Education: Student Movements, Human Capital and Expert Culture was held at Bucharest (at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of History) in 18th and 19th November, 2016. There were two full days of many interesting presentations of participants from Italy, Poland and Romania, regarding the history of higher education and accumulation of human capital, student movements and their aims and also of the activities of socialist experts during Cold War. The research team presented three papers: Patterns of professionalizing history teachers & historians at the University of Bucharest, 1960-1989 (Bogdan Murgescu and Matei Gheboianu), Expert knowledge and political decision in designing the fields of study in communist Romania in the 1970s (Andrei Florin Sora) and The Contribution of Higher Education to the Development of High-End Industries in Romania in the 1980s (Valentin Maier).
Vice-Dean of Faculty of History prof. Ioan Opriș, prof. Jan Sadlak and prof. Bogdan Murgescu at the opening of the international conference

Prof. Jan Sadlak President of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence and also honoris causa of University of Bucharest, presenting his opening lecture: Universities in Central and Eastern Europe: Background of Inherited Systems and Its Present Characteristics
Participants at the international conference

During the presentations from the Panel 3 of the international conference: Higher Education Graduates and Academic Careers
*** On 9th September, 2016, Andrei Florin Sora (Învăţământ superior şi planificare economică în România comunistă – specializările din învăţământul superior) and Matei Gheboianu presented their papers at the Autumn School  Social Policies in the Communist Regime (Politici sociale în regimul comunist), second edition, Memorialul Victimelor Anticomuniste şi al Rezistenţiei, organized at Sighetu Marmaţiei, during 5-10 September 2016.

*** During August 25-28, 2016, the research team participated at the activities of the first National Congress of the Romanian Historians in Cluj-Napoca. Under the title Public Policies and Decision-Making Processes Relating to Higher Education in Romania (1948-2015), the research team presented the following papers: Recruitment of Graduates from Secondary Education to Higher Education during the Communist Period (Marius Traian Cazan), Nicolae Ceaușescu and the Dynamics of the Romanian Higher Education Between 1965 and 1989 (Andrei Florin Sora), Planning in the Communist Agricultural Higher Education: Attempts and Successes (Valentin Maier). Also, two other presentation were made by Remus Iustin Nică, ”History” in the Romanian Education, Between Necesity and Public Policies (1948-2015) and Gabriel Asandului, Polytechnization of the Romanian Higher Education (1948-1989). The panel was organized by Matei Gheboianu. Also, Andrei Florin Sora and Marius Cazan have organized the Round Table: Anii 1970 sub lupa istoricului. Bilanţ şi deschideri istoriografice.

Matei Gheboianu and Andrei Florin Sora

Remus Iustin Nică

Marius Traian Cazan

Valentin Maier and Matei Gheboianu

*** July  22, 2016, Andrei Florin Sora and Valentin Maier attended the Summer School of SSIR and APIN under the title Modernitatea românească în secolele XIX-XXI. Proiecte de țară – Patrimoniu – Istorie – Educaţie (Romanian Modernity in the XIX-XXI Centuries. Country Projects - Heritage - History - Education), and presented Formarea intelectualităţii comuniste: învăţământul superior în perioada comunistă (The Formation of Communist Intellectuals: the Higher Education in the Communist Period). Also, prof. Bogdan Murgescu presented Reuşite  şi  eşecul  unui proiect de ţară: dezvoltarea economică în România comunistă (Successes and the Failure of a Country project: Economic Development in Communist Romania).

*** November 25 and 26, 2015, Valentin Maier participated at the Symposium The University ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași Museum Days (director of the University of Iași Museum is prof. Bogdan Maleon) presenting Între promovare și repetenție: învățământul superior românesc în perioada 1974-1988. O abordare statistică  (Between promotion and repeating: Romanian higher education during 1974-1988. A statistical approach). Also, the Museum Magazine ,,Historia Universitatis Iassiensis and its new number V/2014 was presented. Among other interesting papers presented, we mention the contribution of prof. Florentina Nițu (University of Bucharest), Istoria învățământului superior bucureștean ilustrată în noua formă expozițională a Muzeului Universității din București (The history of the Romanian higher education illustrated in the new exhibitional form of the University of Bucharest Museum).

The University ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași Museum Days 2015

The program of The University ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iași Museum Days 2015

*** October 29, 2015, Mirela Rotaru was granted the PhD title from the Doctoral School of the Faculty of History (University of Bucharest) for the Thesis Istoria Universității din București în anii 1980 (The History of the University of Bucharest during the 1980s), coordinated by prof. Bogdan Murgescu.

*** On August 3-7, 2015, the XVIIth World Economic History Congress was held at Kyoto, in Japan. A part of the research team attended this event and on August 7th, during one of the many parallel sessions, Costs and Economic Returns to Higher Education: Competing Models in Historical Perspective (chair Bogdan Murgescu), the following papers were presented: Bogdan Murgescu, Gabriela Elena Jitaru, Who paid for Romanian higher education? Private and public expenditure in historical perspective; Robert Reisz, Planning higher education to achieve economic growth? An econometric model for Romania 1948-1989; Matei Gheboianu, Higher Education between political planning and economic needs. Case study: Romania and Poland (1980-2010).

Gabriela Elena Jitaru
Bogdan Murgescu
Robert D. Reisz

Matei Gheboianu

*** Between 17th and 19th of June 2015, Society for Romanian Studies has organized at Bucharest the International Conference Linking Past, Present and Future. On June the 18th, at the Panel Human Capital and Stock of High Education Graduates in Romania (1948-2010), chair prof. Bogdan Murgescu, discussant Andrei Florin Sora, there were presented the following papers: Higher education and the economy – between liberal expansion and central planning (Viorel Proteasa and Mihai Păunescu), Higher education planning and the GDP in Romania (1948-1990) (prof. Robert D. Reisz), Higher education graduates in Romanian socialist agriculture: between political claims and practical problems (Valentin Maier) and Qualitative analysis of selected cases of professional conversion in postcommunist Romania (Matei Gheboianu).

Viorel Proteasa and Mihai Păunescu
prof. Robert D. Reisz
Valentin Maier
Matei Gheboianu

Later in the same day, the research team took part at the Roundtable Romanian Universities across 1989. From State-Planned Contraction to Market-Driven Expansion, moderator Bogdan Murgescu, with the important participations of professors: Adrian Miroiu, Bogdan Murgescu, Lazăr Vlăsceanu and Jan Sadlak.
The main participants at the roundtable (in the far plan, from left to right): Adrian Miroiu, Jan Sadlak, Lazăr Vlăsceanu and Bogdan Murgescu.
Professors Adrian Miroiu, Jan Sadlak and Lazăr Vlăsceanu
Professors Jan Sadlak, Lazăr Vlăsceanu and Bogdan Murgescu

*** On November 26th and 27th, 2014, Mirela Rotaru and Valentin Maier participated at the Symposium of History of Higher Education, Museology and Library Science (Simpozion de istorie universitară, muzeologie și biblioteconomie) held at the Museum of ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași during The University Museum Days. At the symposium, Mirela Rotaru presented Concurența la admitere la Universitatea din București în anii 1980 (Competition for Admission at the University of Bucharest during 1980s), while Valentin Maier presented Dezvoltarea învățământului superior medico-farmaceutic în perioada comunistă (Development of Medicine and Pharmacy Higher Education  in the Communist Period).

Program of the University of Iasi Museum Days

Valentin Maier at the Symposium of History of Higher Education, Museology and Library Science in Iași

*** On November 21st, 2014 the University of Warsaw organized the International Conference Crisis and Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe. At this conference, Matei Gheboianu presented his paper on The Accumulation of Human Capital in Communist Romania and the Transformations of the 1990s.

Program of the International Conference Crisis and Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe (University of Warsaw)

*** On November 20th and 21st, 2014 the University of Bucharest was the host for the national conference History and Historians at the University of Bucharest. Institutional Dimensions-Intellectual Projects (Istorie și istorici la Universitatea din București. Dimensiuni instituționale-proiecte intelectuale). Two members of the research team followed the call for paper of this conference.  Professor Bogdan Murgescu, also the project manager, presented his paper on The Faculty of History from the University of Bucharest and History Teachers from School Education, while Valentin Maier presented Evolution of History Higher Education in Communism – Structures and Statistics. The conference also included Round Table discussions focused on Who and How will wrote History in the 2020s Romania. Formation and Intellectual Profile of the Young Historians.

Poster of the conference held at the University of Bucharest
Valentin Maier presenting his paper at the conference
History and Historians at the University of Bucharest. Institutional Dimensions-Intellectual Projects
At the Round Table Who and How will wrote History in the 2020s Romania. Formation and Intellectual Profile of the Young Historians

*** The research team organized on March 28th, 2014 the workshop Current debates and controversies related to human capital development in communist systems with the participations of professor Mihai Korka (Bucharest University of Economic Studies), professor Valentina Vasile (,,Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest) and professor Robert D. Reisz (West University of Timişoara). The workshop held at the Faculty of History (University of Bucharest) was focused on two issues: the concept of human capital and methods to measure it, along with implications of this concept in a communist system; the review of existing research on human capital development in socialist Romania and the analytical perspectives for the future.

Participants at the workshop Current debates and controversies related to human capital development in communist systems
Professor Valentina Vasile during her presentation

Professor Mihai Korka presenting his paper on the concept of human capital and the methods to measure it
From left to right: professor Valentina Vasile, drd. Marius Cazan, professor Bogdan Murgescu
*** During the Symposium Current Historical Issues, held at Bucharest on February 28, 2014, the project team presented the following papers:  Absolvenţii învăţământului superior în România în anii 1950. Organizarea sistemului de repartizare centralizată a forţei de muncă (Marius Cazan), Repartizarea şi integrarea în producţie a absolvenţilor Universităţii Bucureşti în anii 1980 (Mirela Rotaru), Formarea subinginerilor în România comunistă (1968-1989) (Andrei Florin Sora) and Învăţământul superior de educaţie fizică şi sport (1948-1989) (Valentin Maier). The Symposium held at University of Bucharest was organized by the Societatea de Ştiinţe Istorice din România-Filiala Bucureşti (Romanian Society for Historical Sciences-Bucharest branch), led by Nicu Pohoaţă.
Mirela Rotaru during her presentation at the Symposium Current Historical Issues

Andrei Florin Sora presenting his paper on sub-engineers

*** On December 12, 2013, the project team, prof. Bogdan Murgescu and prof. Robert D. Reisz organized in Bucharest the workshop The Analysis and Consolidation of Series of Statistical Data Regarding the Admission to Higher Education in the Communist Romania

*** In November 15-16, 2013, at Bucharest, the project team led by Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu has organized the International Conference Higher Education in Socialist East-Central Europe. Economic Planning, Fields of Study, Human Capital Formation (Bucharest, November 15-16, 2013).

The international conference was organized in the framework of the project Economic Planning, Higher  Education, and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Romania during Communism  (1948-1989) supported by grant number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0476 of the Romanian  National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, and by the University of  Bucharest.
At the international conference have participated 18 specialists from Croatia, Polonia, Romania and Ukraine. The program can be viewed here.

The Rector of the Universitatea din București, Mircea Dumitru, presented a welcome speech to the participants at the international conference
Project Manager,  Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, presenting his paper
Demography and politics in the allocation of study places for higher education in communist Romania in the 1980’s
Professor Ph.D. Jan Sadlak
Professor Ph.D. Lazăr Vlăsceanu
Professor Ph.D. Robert Reisz


*** During the week 21-28 July 2013, documentation activities were carried out by the research team at B.C.U. ,,Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca and also at Direcţia Judeţeană Cluj a Arhivelor Naţionale.The research team (Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, Ph.D. Candidate Mirela Rotaru, Ph.D. Candidate Marius Cazan, Ph.D. Candidate Vlad Pașca, Ph.D. Candidate Valentin Maier) participated at a workshop in Cluj-Napoca, on July 25th, with the subject Academic Experiences in Romania during 1980s. Apart from the research team, the workshop, held at Institutul de Istorie ,,George Bariţiu”, was attended by Ph.D. Lucian Nastasă and several Ph.D. Candidates. The main topics discussed were related to economic planning, admission and allocation issues in higher education in the last years of communist regime in Romania. 

Prof. Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, Ph.D. Lucian Nastasă and other participants taking part at the workshop Academic Experiences in Romania during 1980s
Prof. Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, project manager, speaking at the workshop 

*** On May 30th and 31st 2013 the project manager, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, attended the International Conference Regionalism and Regionalization in Romania. Historical Interpretations and contemporary challenges held at Iaşi. At this conference Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu presented his study Regionalization and the Issue of the National Network of Institutions of Higher Education. Historical Milestones, constraints, possible solutions. The study follows the spread of the institutions of higher education in Romania with a focus on the periods of the communist regime and afterwards (the causes of the institutional multiplication after World War II, the recession of the 1980s, the new expansion of institutions of higher education after 1989 and the issues raised in this background).
The flyer of the international conference held at Iaşi

*** On 16th and 17th of May 2013 at the Universitatea din Bucureşti (University of Bucharest) took place the Annual Scientific Conference of the Doctoral School of Faculty of History. At this conference, Mirela Rotaru, member of the research team, has presented her paper on the topic Istoria Universităţii Bucureşti în anii 1980 – admiterea la Universitatea Bucureşti în anii 1980 (The History of the University of Bucharest during 1980s – The Admission at the University of Bucharest during 1980s). The main focus of the presentation was the identification of the most wanted faculties, profiles and specializations in the 1980s, based on relevant statistics and on the analysis of the relation between the candidates presented at the exams and those admitted.
The flyer of the conference
Ph.D. Candidate Mirela Rotaru during her presentation

*** During April 25-28, 2013, Ph.D. Matei Gheboianu, member of the research team, participated at The 6th International Conference on Media in Central and Eastern Europe (CEECOM 2013) held in Kaunas (Lithuania) and has presented his paper Liquidity, Fragmentation, and Individualization in the Mediascape.

 *** Between 25th and 27th of April 2013, Department of History, Archaeology and Museology of the University ,,1 Decembrie  1918" Alba Iulia organized the international conference Economy and Society in Central and Eastern Europe. Territory, population, consumption. This international conference, was attended by two of the members of the research team which have sustained scientific communications: Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, Patterns of Spatial Mobility, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth in East-Central Europe in the 20th century and Ph.D. Candidate Vlad Paşca, Territorial Expansion of Higher Education in Communist Romania (1948-1989). An Outline of Patterns and Factors.

Flyer of the International Conference Economy and Society in Central and Eastern Europe. Territory, population, consumption
During the conference #1
During the conference #2
Conference's panel and the scientific communication of Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu
Conference's panel and the scientific communication of Ph.D. Candidate Vlad Paşca

*** On April 5th, 2013, Histoire & Mesure - Centre de Recherches Historiques (Université Paris 13) and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales have organized at Paris the conference Histoire et quantification de l'Éducation et de la Formation (Journée d’Études). At this conference, Andrei Florin Sora, member of the research team, presented his paper Les « spécialités » de l’enseignement supérieur dans la Roumanie communiste (1948-1989).

*** During the period between 22nd to 24th of March 2013, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu attended the workshop held in the Republic of Ireland (St. Andrews) on the topic The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700.

*** On November  27th, 2012, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, project coordinator, sustained a conference in Cluj-Napoca with the title Economic Performance and Higher Education in Communist Romania.

*** On October 17, 2012, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu participated at the Summer School Current Theoretical and Methodological Approaches in the political and social sciences were he lectured on the Historical research on the development of human capital in the postwar Eastern Europe.

*** During the period August 26th to September 8th, 2012, the project team carried out research and documentation activities at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (State Library of Berlin) and also at the Institut für Hochschulforschung of Wittenberg, were Professor Ph.D. Peer Pasternack was our kindly host. At the library of the Institut für Hochschulforschung of Wittenberg, the project team had access to several publications related to higher education from postwar period, to the situation of higher education systems in various former socialist countries (especially in G.D.R.) and to conferences of the Ministers of Educations from different ex-socialist countries.
Also at Wittenberg, on August 30th, 2012 the project team has organized the workshop Problems of Researching the History of Higher Education in the Former Socialist Countries with the participation of Professor Ph.D. Peer Pasternack and Ph.D. Daniel Hechler. The project team conducted a visit to the headquarters of the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur from Berlin, where it found out about the activities and documentation funds of this institution and have laid the foundation for future collaboration on the comparative history of higher education in socialist countries. Contacts were established for future cooperation with the Department of History of Southeast Europe at the Humboldt University (Professor Ph.D. Hannes Grandits).

Professor Ph.D. Peer Pasternack and the research team in the courtyard of the Institut für Hochschulforschung of Wittenberg
At the library of the Institut für Hochschulforschung of Wittenberg
Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, project coordinator
PhD. Candidate Vlad Pasca, member in the research team

*** Between July 9-13, 2012, project coordinator, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu, participated at the XVIth World Economic History Congress held in Stellenbosch (South Africa).

*** Following the activities of the international conference held at Sibiu, on July the 6th, 2012 the research team organized a workshop at Bucharest called Current debates and controversies about the development of human capital in communist systems, with the important participation of Professor Ph.D. Jan Sadlak.

Professor Ph.D. Jan Sadlak discussing with the project team at the Faculty of History, Universitatea din Bucureşti (University of Bucharest)

*** In the period between 2nd and 4th of July 2012, The Society for Romanian Studies has organized at Sibiu an international conference: Europeanization and Globalization: Romanians in their Region and the World. Tuesday, July the 3rd , 2012, a round table was organized by Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu and moderated by Professor Ph.D. Jan Sadlak on the subject: Romanian Universities during Communism: European Patterns vs. National Imperatives in Planning Higher Education. At discussions that took place, have participated a series of historians, economists, sociologists and philologists, from Romania and abroad. The following day, Professor Ph.D. Bogdan Murgescu held the keynote Historians and the Study of Romanian Communism.

Flyer of the Sibiu International Conference
Professor Ph.D. Jan Sadlak
Ph.D. Lucian Nastasă
Professor Ph.D. Robert Reisz speaking at the round table: Romanian Universities during Communism : European Patterns vs. National Imperatives in Planning Higher Education

*** Ph.D. Candidate Matei Gheboianu took part at the International Congress of Press History which was held at Chișinău, April 27-28, 2012.

*** On February the 16th, 2012, Professor Ph.D. Robert D. Reisz (Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara & Institut fur Hochschulforschung an der Martin Luther, Universität Halle-Wittenberg) sustain the conference Relation between Higher Education and Labor Market in Germany between 1950 and 2000. PhD Robert D. Reisz is a specialist in social and educational statistics, and has a rich international experience. His most recent book is Enrique Fernandez Darraz, Gero Lenhardt, Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Hochschulprivatisierung und akademische Freiheit. Jenseits von Markt und Staat: Hochschulen in der Weltgesellschaft (Privatisation of Higher Education and Academic Freedom. Beyond Market and State: Universities in the Global Society), transcript Verlag, Science Studies Reihe, Bielefeld, 2010, 197 p).
The conference was organized by the Center of Administrative, Cultural and Economical Studies of Universitatea din Bucureşti (University of Bucharest) as part of the research project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0476 Economic Planning, Higher Education, and the Accumulation of Human Capital in Romania during Communism (1948-1989), in cooperation with the project POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62259 Ştiinţe socio-umane şi politice aplicative. Program de pregătire postdoctorală şi burse postdoctorale de cercetare în domeniul ştiinţelor socio-umane şi politice.
Also, together with Professor Ph.D. Robert D. Reisz, the research team has organized the workshop Statistical methods for the social sciences and the humanities, and their implications for collecting and organizing historical data, held at Bucharest on February the 15th and 16th 2012, in which some of the theoretical and methodological issues, relevant for the success of research project were clarified.
Flyer of the conference held at Bucharest
Professor Ph.D. Robert D. Reisz
During the conference
Part of the audience